Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Success, sans X11

I've now managed to build MonoDevelop without the dependency on X11, and it looks so much prettier!

I followed the steps on NaizNoiz again, although I actually used the pre-packaged Mono installer as suggested in this comment rather than installing this with MacPorts.

I have noticed that the font used for the code has some slight alignment issues, it can be seen on the lines that read:

var eyes = Enumerable.Range()
.Select(i => i + i);

So I might try to find a fix for this at some stage. Although I think my priorities should be trying to get familiar with using MonoDevelop and it's underlying architecture. So to that end I've decided to take on a little project to produce a simple app. I'm going to try to make it run on both Windows and Mac, as I think that'll be an interesting and educational exercise. The backend will be SQLite probably with NHibernate, although I might try out SubSonic if that looks easier to get started with. For the frontend I'm not sure whether to use ASP.NET MVC or just do a desktop app.

I'll let you know how I get on...

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Success... at last!

They have updated mono-addins in MacPorts, so I'm now trying to build MonoDevelop, with version 0.3.1 of mono-addins. The build was a success, so after disabling the Gettext Translation Support from the the graphical add-in setup utility, which is run using mdtool with the following command:

mdtool gsetup

Then I was able to disable the offending add-in and restart MonoDevelop.

Basically I followed the steps here and it all worked seamlessly!

Now that I have it up and running I've realised that it has to run from X11, so I'd really like to find out if this dependency can be got rid of and just get it running natively without an X-server. I don't really know anything about how these things work so that will be a lot of learning that I'll have to do.